s e d d i e best and first italian source

do you wanna be our special friend?
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we're the perfect two
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follow jennette and nathan on twitter *
3 settembre • nuova grafica con protagonisti tutti i loro baci visti finora *w* in più, il 10 settembre si avvicina con "iDate Sam and Freddie" e noi non stiamo più nella pelle: ecco il nuovo promo!
s e d d i e italian source¹³ » benvenuti nella community più aggiornata sulla coppia formata da sam puckett e freddie benson.
seddie q u o t e"you mean that? mmm hm... so i guess we're both insane."

wanna see m o r e ?
c l i c k h e r e to be our friend, we'd love to and freddie and sam would love it too enjoy the community!you can be the peanut butter to my jelly <3
'sam' samantha puckett :
april 17 1994
'freddie' fredward benson: february 4 1994

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winners: coming soon

s e d d i e italian source¹³

ForumTopicsRepliesLast Post Info

hey! who invited the d o o f ?

w e l c o m e → introduce yourself here*
76622/1/2012, 14:52
In: hey there c:
By: lothíriel
C_OFF10193/11/2011, 15:10
In: S H A M E ON YOU! chi copia non è all'altezza!
By: iæmwithoutyou:

so i guess we're both i n s a n e

s e d d i e → the couple*
204310/10/2011, 14:44
In: Protected Forum
By: ----

i don't play to get even: m a m a plays to win

sam puckett → jennette mccurdy
2428/8/2011, 11:57
In: samantha 's a m' puckett ♥
By: sämanthapückett¹³

that's the f r e d d i e way

freddie benson → nathan kress
2322/8/2011, 21:14
In: fredward 'f r e d d i e' benson ♥
By: plästïcdöll¹
C_OFF51518/9/2011, 21:46
In: season 5 episode 3 - iCan't Take It
By: sämanthapückett¹³

s h o w them the prank, fredwiener!

s p a m → let me know your forum*
928630/1/2013, 08:19
In: once upon a time
By: Gretel

sam and freddie love c h a l l e n g e s, and you?

c o n t e s t → are you the winner?*
33029/8/2011, 11:13
In: s e d d i e lottery - winners
By: sämanthapückett¹³

yeah, I'll p l a y some meat golf

o f f t o p i c → whatcha wanna know?
22013/11/2011, 19:41
In: game - alfabeto
By: iæmwithoutyou:

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